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Kabir Hasan
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Allah Is Almighty
Some Important Composition

  Writter : Kabir Hasan Phone : 01838000888

Science in everyday life

  Wonder of science

Introduction : We live in an age of science. We can see the wonder of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We can not think of our modern life without science.

Electricity : The first wonder of modern science is the discovery of electricity. It has changed our life, society and culture. It is a great source of power and energy. The radio, television. Light, fans, electric irons, mills, factories and refrigerator- all work through the power of electricity. 

Communication : Science has made our communication easy and short. On the seas, rivers, roads there are ships, launches, boats, trains, buses, cars etc. These are all the gift of science. Telegraph, telephone, fax and wireless- are also some important means of communication. Trains, steamers aero plane buses, etc make the communication quick and easy. 

Agriculture : Science has done much in the field of agriculture. The use of scientific instruments, fertilizer and insecticide has improved agriculture.

Medicine for health : Science has conquered diseases by inventing various medicines, x-ray, cardiograph, microscope end etc, and relieved human suffering.

Recreation : Science has discovered many things for our recreation. We use cinema, television, radio. Tape recorder, V.C.R etc for recreation. Our cloths and many other essential products like paper, pens, etc are possible to make only because of science.

Conclusion : Now a day we can’t think of human life with out science. But we should use it integellently.


Introduction : Internet is the name of unique system that contributes largely to the establishment of effective international communication. It is playing a significant role in the concept of globalization. It is being used in almost every sphere of life considering its positive aspects. But, it has some negative aspects too.

What is internet : 'Internet' is the abbreviation of 'International network'. It is actually an international computer network connecting other networks and computers around the world. These are computer, Modem, Telephone connection and internet service provider.

Use of Internet : It is now possible through Internet to send or receive information to or from any part of the world. Books are essential for study and research. But they may not be available every time. Internet can solve this problem. Internet also helps marking arrangements for air ticket, hotel booking etc. Internet also helps the patients to get prescription and treatment of the famous doctors at a minimum cost. We can get important news of home and abroad from it. On the other hand, Internet provides us with the opportunities to enjoy music, movie, sports etc. In a world, it can be said that Internet plays a very important role in different fields of our life including trade and commerce, education and recreation and above all effective communication.

Abuses of Internet : Internet has some harmful aspects beside its great contribution. Some miscreants spread internet virus and destroy computers to fulfill their illegal ends. Some computer hackers use internet to hack into other's computer system and cause them harm. The Internet system is, in no way, responsible for these problems.

Conclusion : Information is considered to be power. Information and communication technology represented by Internet is the sole tool to overall development of the present world. Only then we will be able to keep pace with the advanced world. 

Female education

Introduction : Education is a crying need to all. Woman is one half of our total population. If womenfolk remains illiterate, no nation development can be done. So female education is a must in our country at present.

Necessity : Without the help and whole-hearted co-operation of woman the nation cannot progress. In practical life the role of woman is not of less importance than that of the guardian of the family. “The hand that flocks the cradle rules the world,"-is a maxim. A woman rears the infants, builds up them as a worthy citizen and leader. Woman also play and important role in the economic field. So to manage the family in a decent way a man depends on his wife. A housewife performs her household affairs, keeps poultry and thus helps the family economically.

Importance : Our prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm.) laid great importance on the education of both male and female. Without education a woman cannot do anything properly for her children and also cannot help them to lead a worthy life.

Obstacles : Some orthodox people speak against female education and create obstacle to it. Infact, it is an offence. We must educate women in nursing, household, management, child-care, sweing and so on. Thus, they will be able to earn their living independently.

Conclusion : Female education is a vital need to our developing Bangladesh. So we should be up and doing for the spread of female education side by side with men.

Student and social service

Duty towards God, duty towards parents and duty towards mankind. Students are born to read, to study books to prepare themselves for examinations. The hue and cry of the world and the heat and dust of life generally do not move them. But there are occasions in a nation's life when normal duties suspend and normal life does not function.

Students are the part and parcel of the society. So, they are to perform a good number of duties for the betterment of the society and state. But it is a controversial matter whether a student should take part in politics or not. Students are the citizens of tomorrow. So, many opine that they should practices politics from student life. Others opine that politics is detrimental to the pursuit of study. A series of social work, which a student may perform, is narrated below. 

Students may study political issues, find out solution and express their attitude in an organized form. When organized they are a mightily force. But they should remain unbrased. They should politics. But they should not act as a professional politician.

A student's first duty is to earn knowledge. Besides, he should come forward to remove illiteracy, solve population problem, and demonstrate health service to the ignorant. During vacations, they may start night schools to teach there R's to the adult population.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Her prosperity depends on agriculture. But the farmers of our country are illiterate. They have no knowledge about scientific method of cultivation. In this case students can teach the illiterate farmers. They may also teach them modern method of cultivation.

During flood, famine, epidemic and cyclone, students may raise funds and distribute it among the distressed.

Students read political science, history, public administration, civics, economics, and social welfare and so on. They are allowed to read all these subjects in theories. So they may also be allowed to realize them in practices. Then Bangladesh can hope for a better future.

My childhood memories

Childhood is the period of being a child. My childhood was full of happiness and pleasure. They are now only a source of joy. It is the sweetest period of my life.

I am the eldest son of my parents. Obviously, everybody loved me dearly. I was specially taken care of by every family members. I was very much favorite to my grandmother. She usually would give me sweets and told me fairly tales.

On market day, I would go to the village market with my grandfather. First of all, he would buy me any sweet which I liked. Sometime he took me on his shoulder when I was a mere child. He used to save me from my parents if they would rebuke me.

My first day at school is also fresh in my mind. One fine morning, my father took me to the headmaster of a nearby primary school. The headmaster showed me affection and gave me a book of pictures. I felt very happy to have that book. He asked me some question. I could answer them well. So he was pleased to take me in class one. When I was in the new class, I was a bit nervous first but soon I could adjust myself to the new circle.

Besides, my childhood was full of freedom and joy. I would often play with my friends. On summer noon, I would pluck mangoes with them. I had a great fascination for picking green mangoes. I used to swim in the river and jump into it.

During my holidays, when my mother went to sleep at noon. I sometime stole away and went to the railway line. There together with other children, I would gather pebbles. We also watched how the trains passed. Once the train went out of sight, it would pass onto an unknown world.

My childhood was full of blessings. It was full of happiness and thrills. I enjoyed my childhood days very much. I wish I would have got those days back again! 


The Journey you like most

A Journey by Train

Introduction : A journey by train is very thrilling. It is quick. It saves time and money.

Occasion : During the last winter I had a chance to make a journey by train. I had to go to Khulna to attend the marriage ceremony of my friend’s brother.

Beginning of the journey: I reached kamalapur Railway Station by rickshaw.  It was 7 a.m. I bought a second-class ticket and got on a compartment. It was not so crowded. I had a seat beside the window. With the whistle of the guard, the train started to move at 8-20 a.m.

Sights : The train was running at a great speed. I looked out of the window and enjoyed the beautiful sights. So I saw green fields on both sides of the train. Cowboys were tending cattle, children were playing and women were busy with their household works. But all these sights seemed to be moving backwards. They were changing every moment. Inside the train some of the passengers were talking on many topics. Some were reading either a newspaper or a book and some were sleeping.

Stoppage : It was an inter district train named Mahan agar, Prabhati. So it did not stop at all the stations. It stopped only at a very few big stations. So the journey felt very pleasant.

Destination : At 2-45 p.m. the train reached Khulna Railway Station. This long journey took only six hours. We can see many things very quickly by a train journey. 

Conclusion : The journey in my heart I bore. It gave me much pleasure. Indeed it was one of the most memorable days in my life.

Unemployment problem

Introduction :Unemployment problem is the burning question of Bangladesh. It can be termed as number one problem of the country.

Growth rate : Bangladesh is a small country. But her population in not few. Fifteen cores of people live in this country. Most of them are poor. They live from hand to month. The population of our country is increasing at an alarming rate. The present growth rate of population in Bangladesh is 2.36%. The problem is now out of control.

Unemployment problem : Unemployment problem is very acute in our country. For one single vacant post there will be thousand of candidates. The production of food can not keep pace with our increasing population. As a result there us shortage of food in our country. People are fighting very hard against hunger and poverty.

Effects : Unemployment problem has become a common problem in day to life. Everybody we find the news of it in the dailies unemployment problem is now serious problem. It is going out of control day by day. It creates other problem too.  It loses not only our life but also progress. The people have to suffer a lot.

How to solve this problem : We should come forward to control our population. Education must be ensured for all. The people of our country must be made conscious through education.

Man is the make : Man is the maker of his own fate. If we are idle we can not be prosperous. Some people think that the success in life depends on fortune. But it is not true. Hard labors are essential for success in every sphere of life. Industry is the key to success.

Conclusion :  Human life is very short. But there a lot of things to do. That is say we have to do many things within a short time. So this every moment of life should be utilized properly.

Flood in Bangladesh

Or, A natural calamity of Bangladesh

Introduction : Flood is a natural calamity. It is an annual affair in Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh suffer from flood almost every year.

Flood : Due to excessive rainfall when rivers and canals overflow their banks and make a huge loss to crops and property, is called flood.

Cause of flood : The causes of flood are many. Heavy showers of rain are the main cause of flood. Cyclone, Farakka barrage and melting of snows are also responsible for this.

Bad effects of flood : Flood washes away our cattle and food grains. It washes away villages, roads and even houses of the people. Many human lives are lost. All the communication is suspended. People become homeless. They take shelter on the high roads, schools and colleges.

After effects of flood : All the houses become muddy and unhealthy. People do not get pure drinking water. Cholera, typhoid, and many other fatal diseases are broken out.

Usefulness : Flood does some good to us. It makes our lands fertile by depositing silt. Rivers and canals are also full of fishes. It washes away our dirt and filth.

Solution : The Government should take measures to cheek it. Every person wants a good solution of this serious problem. The Government and none govt. organization as well as the conscious people can play a vital role on this regard.

Conclusion : Flood causes a huge loss to our country every year. So we must control flood at any cost. 

My aim in life

Introduction : An aim means particular goal of life. Every man has an aim in life. A man without an aim in life is like a boat without a rudder. A fixed man helps a man shine in life. So every man should decide before what he aspires to be.

My choice : Different men have different aims in life. Some wants to be doctor, some wants to be engineers, some wants to be actor, some wants to be scholars, some wants to be poets and others wants to be teachers and so on. There are many professions. So it is difficult to choose correct one.

The cause of choice : I am a man. My aim in life is very simple. The people of my village are poor. They suffer from many diseases. They do not get the help an advice of good doctors. So I like to help them.

How I shall serve the nation : After passing the S.S.C. Examination I shall read H.S.C. [Pre-Medical] course. Next I shall join a medical college for the M.B.B.S. degree. When I turn an M.B.B.S, I shall go to my village and take to medical profession. In this profession I can have an independent life. Here I shall be able to earn money. I shall also be able to do real service to the villagers, the rich will feed me and the poor will bless me. If I can earn money enough. I hope to set up a charitable dispensary for the treatment of all kinds of patients.

Conclusion : So everyone should have an aim. I will bear in mind that an aim is a virtue. It seeks to do well to others. At the time of the choice we should think about out liking and ability.


The importance of reading newspaper

Introduction : The newspaper is a very useful thing. We cannot do without it even for a day. Newspaper is a modern civilization. A newspaper comes out and supplies us will all kinds of news of home and abroad.

History : China was the first country to introduce newspapers. Venice brought out first newspaper. The ‘Samchar Darpan’ brought out by the Christian missionaries was the first Bengali newspaper.

Kinds of newspapers : Newspapers are of various kinds. They are dailies, weeklies, be weeklies, fort nightlines, and monthlies. The daily Ittefaq, the Dainic Bangla, the Inkilab, the Jogantar, the prothom Alo the Bangladesh observer etc. are the daily newspapers in our country.

Merits : Newspaper plays vital role in our life. We can know the current affairs of the world through newspaper. By reading newspaper we can learn language and knows the news of games, sports, science and the economic and political condition of different countries. Newspaper help the growth of public opinion. Advertisements are published and it helps expansions of trade.

Demerits : Global distance has been removed. The world has become smaller. One part of the world has been linked up with another through newspaper. But newspapers have some defects too. They sometime create party-feelings among the people and cause a great harm.

Conclusion : We can’t think of a day without newspaper. Newspaper is a story house of knowledge. We should read it regularly. But it should always be neutral. We all should read it regularly. 

Uses & Abuses of Satellite TV

Introduction : Modern science has created wonders. Satellite TV is one of them. Now we get the opportunity to see the programmes of almost every channel of the world.

Use of satellite TV : It has both good and bad influence on our culture. Nowadays the connection of satellite TV has been given commercially. The uses of TV channel are increasing day by day. TV introduces us with the whole world. But many think that TV makes bad effect on our young generation.

Satellite channels and diversity of recreation : A Satellite channel has removed monotony of watching fixed items of programmes. In fact, today we have specialized satellite channels on almost every interest. There are some channels which broadcast only news round the clock, some only show cinemas. Some channels show games and sports only, some channels show only the discoveries and inventions of science and technology.

Abuses : For every invention, there are some demerits. Television is not free from harms. Television has great influence on young generation. They are now lured to follow other culture forgetting our own national culture. And if this is continued, our own culture and tradition will be lost. But it has some good sides too. We have to try to give up the bad influence of foreign culture.

Conclusion : Satellite TV is a part and parcel of modern science. With the help of it, we can bring cultural consciousness of the world in our home. We know, everything of the world has both good and bad effects. We have to keep the good and give up the bad.


Introduction : This is the age of science. So to say the scientists have reached to the highestpeack of invention. Computer is one of the latest important and most useful inventions of science.

How invented:  Charles Babez a British professor of Mathematics wrote about a formula which would help human brain. But the modern computer was invented by the American scientist Howard Akin. In 1937 he invented such a machine that could do difficult sums. After seven years electric computer was used in Harvard.

Functions of a computer: A computer performs three functions.

i)  It receives data.

ii)  It processes data by various computations.

iii)  It emits data.

Use of computer: Computer now helps us in various ways. It can successful translate poems or one part of literature. Science 1960, Computer has been used in soviet Russia in translating newspaper.

Now computers are used in big agricultural farms in America. Trains and planes are run by the computer. Examination results can be accurately given by computer within the shortest span of time.

Bangladesh is now using Computers. She is trying to use computer science in solving different problems. Computer is a sourch of great income. Many developed and advanced countries export software and hardware and earn a lot.

Demerits: There is no unmixed blessing on earth. Everything has its dark sides. Computer has its own demerits. It causes diseases like Respitutive Stress Injury and weakness the eye sight of the operators.

Conclusion : Computer is of great use to us. We cannot go a single moment without computer. It is part and parcel in our daily life. 


Fruits of Bangladesh

Introduction : Bangladesh has fertile lands. She products various kinds of fruits all the year round.

Kinds of fruits : Different kinds of fruits are grown here in different seasons. We shall discuss some well known fruits here.

Mango : The mango is the king of fruits. It grows all over the country. But mangoes of Rajshahi and Dinajpur are the best. It has several varieties. They are Fazli, Langra, and Mohonbhog etc. They are known for their sweetness and flavour.

Jack-fruit : The jack-fruit is known as 'Kanthal'. It is giant among fruit. It has many juicy cells inside. It is delicious but hard to digest. It grows largely in Dhaka, Mymensingh and Jessore.

Pineapple : The pineapple is found in large quatities during the rainy season. It is juicy and tasteful. The best kind of it is grown in Sylhet.

Coconut : The coconut is a common fruit of our country. The water inside it is refreshing and sweet to drink. It grows well in Khulna, Barishal and Noakhali.

Banana : The banana is a common fruit and it is available throughout the year. It has different varieties of which the 'sabri' is the best.

Orange : The orange is a juicy and sweet fruit and is good for health. It is found in winter.

Some other fruits : The papaya. The lichis, black-berries, guava, melons, the tamarind, the kamaranga are some of our common fruits.

Conclusion : The prospect of various fruits in Bangladesh is bright. So we should grow more fruits.


Acid throwing

Introduction : Acid throwing is a serious crime. Acid throwing is one of the most heinous activities in our country. Now a days it is going to be out of control.

Cause of acid throwing : Almost every day we find the news of acid throwing in all the newspaper of our country. In our male led society it is seen that women and children are the worst victims of acid throwing. This incident takes place due to reasons. One is family enmity and another one is the rejection of love. If two families fall into enmity on different issues, often one of them through acid on the women and children of the opponent side. Again, if any youth is rejected in his love by the girl he loves, he also may throw acid on the girl.

Effect of acid throwing : The effect of acid throwing is dangerous. Our government should take punctive action against the acid throwers. Acid throwing damages not only a person's body or face, but it destroys his or her dream, a possibility and a life.

Remedies : Understanding the psychology of an acid thrower is important to prevent this crime. An acid thrower should be made to realize that he himself can be victim of acid violence and in that case his own life would be unbearable to himself. The acid criminal should be boycotted socially and brought to exemplary punishment. Mass media can play a vital role in this respect by publishing regular features and broadcasting various programmes. Social vigilance and familial watch can prevent this crime to a great extent.

Conclusion : It is hopeful that different private organization, women's organizations and NGOs have come forward to prevent acid violence and raise awareness among people. As a result the case rate is decreasing. Guardians, parents and influential persons can play important roles in solving the feuds and quarrels before the incident actually happens.

Your First day at college

The most memorable day of my life

Introduction : Human life is full of events. Some of these pleasant and we remember it long. My first day at college is a memorable event in my life.

Description of the first day : I heard a lot of things about college education from my elder brothers. I had long been anxiously waiting for this day. The memorable day came at last. It was the 5th of May 2011. My joys knew no bounds. On that day I had my meal well a head of time and put on my best clothes.

Entrance : At 10 a.m. I entered the college campus with new hopes and aspiration. The College campus was full of students. They were all unknown to me. I was moving here and there at last I found a fried of mine.

First period : After a while the bell of the college rings. I entered into a room where a large number of students were seated on the benches. Just after a second, a fair looking gentleman appeared before us. I came to know that he was the professor of English. The professor called over the rolls. Then there followed a friendly discussion. I listened to his words with rapt attention.

Second period : While the ringing of bell changed our class room. We ran to our next class room to occupy the seat in the first bench. It was our Bangla class. I enjoyed the class pleasantly.

The college library : I went to the college library. I was wondered to see so many books in the library.

Conclusion : At 4 p.m. I left the college with a mind full of joy and new experience. I shall never forget this day. This in indeed the most memorable day in my life and it is my child hood memories.

The game you like most

My favourite game

Introduction : There are many kinds of games in our country. Off all games, I like football most. Football is a foreign game. It was first played in England. Now it is played in all countries of the world. Every school and college have football teams. It is a most popular game.

Reason of being favourite : Football is my favourite game because it has some special advantage. It is not as costly as cricket. It gives us very much pleasure. It is an exciting game.

How played : Football is an out door game. It requires a big field. It is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. There are two goal posts at each end. The game is played between two teams. Each team has eleven players. Of them one is goal keeper, two full backs, three half backs and five forwards. First of all the ball is placed in the middle of the field. There is a referee to conduct the game. The referee whistles and the game begin. The players then shoot the ball with legs. They try to push the ball into the opposite goal-post. When the ball passes through the goal-post a goal is scored. The team which more goals win the game.

Merits : The game of football teaches us obedience to rules. It also teaches the value to unity and discipline, co-operation and leadership. It improves the health of a player and makes him careful, strong and hardly. 

Conclusion : Football is my favourite game though there are some risks of being injured in it. A man can also earn a lot through the game. It is both interesting and good for health. A man can also earn a lot through the game.

Value of time

Introduction :  The value of time in our life in this world knows no bounds.  Life is short but art is long. If we do not make the best use of time it is not possible for us to complete these works.

Value of time : Time is the most valuable asset in the world. Time never stays for anybody. It just goes on and on.  “Time and tide Waite for none- is a valuable proverb.

Proper use of time : Our life is nothing but the collection of some moments. For the proper use of time we should have a time table. We should follow the routine for the proper use of time. Our daily work should be centered round the routine.

Importance : Waste of time is a crime. Those who waste time can never make progress in life. Time once lost is lost forever. We are born for a short span of life. But we have to do many things in life. A punctual man may shine in life.

Value of time in idle life : Only the idle sit idly and make no attempt to do a work which they must do. They meet failure in life and suffer in the end. They cannot even earn their livelihood. They are the burdens of a country. Everybody hates them.

Value of time in student life :  student life is the seed time of life. Student who does not know the value of time can never be successful.

Conclusion : We are the supreme creation of Allah. So we should not waste our time. The proper use of time is the key to success in life. So we should use the time properly.

My hobby

My favourite hobby

Introduction : Hobby means one's favourite occupation in a man. A hobby is not ones main business. It does not give us money. It gives us pleasure. It is an important thing to enjoy our leisure period.

Different hobbies : There are many kinds of hobbies like gardening, drawing, painting, kite flying, stamp collecting and fishing etc.

My hobby : I am a student of class xi. I have also a hobby. Gardening is my favourite hobby. I have a garden in front of my reading room. Whenever I get time, I work in it.

Why I like it : Gardening is my favourite hobby.  I love nature. It makes our house more beautiful. In the morning my heart leaps up with joy to see my garden full of various flowers. They spread a sweet smell. The garden also looks very charming.

My activities : I get up early in the morning. Then I enter my garden. I work in my garden every morning and afternoon. I weed out grass. I plant new flower plants. There are many kinds of flower in my garden. There are the rose, the marigold, the java, the togar and the hasnahena. I water the flower plants every morning and evening. I walk in my garden.

Usefulness : Gardening is a good form of exercise. It is very useful to health. The sight of flower fills my heart with joy.

Conclusion : Flowers are a source of joy to me. I am fond of flowers. I feel very happy to have such a garden. So, my hobby is useful to me in many ways.

Physical exercise

Introduction : Physical exercise means systematic movement of the limbs. This is only way to build up our body and health. For good and sound body physical exercise is necessary. So we should do physical exercise regularly.

Kinds : There are various kinds of physical exercise, such as running, swimming, playing, out door games, riding, rowing, Gymnastics, wrestling etc. Walking is the best form of physical exercise. It is within the reach of all.

Proper time of exercise : The best time of taking physical exercise is morning and evening. We should not take exercise in empty stomach. It should be taken in the open air. It also enables a man to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. 

Usefulness : Physical exercise is very necessary to us. Because fresh air is essential for exercise. No one should take exercise in a closed room and an empty stomach. Similarly no one should take exercise just after meal. These practices are harmful. Physical exercise makes our body strong. It gives us energy for work. It increases our appetite and power of digestion. It keeps man away from attack of diseases. Moreover, it is necessary to develop the brain. Again over exercise does harm to health. So we should always take such exercise as would suit us

Conclusion : Health is wealth. Physical exercise brings this health. So to enjoy better life we should take physical exercise regularly to preserve our health. It gives strength to our brain. Many good habits are formed through outdoor games. It teaches us unity, patience, obedience, discipline and punctuality.

Season you like most

Or, Rainy season

Introduction : There are six season in Bangladesh. I like all the season but I like rainy season most. Rainy season is my favorite season and perhaps it is favorite to all. Rainy season comes to us with many pleasant things- and beautiful scence and sounds. So I like this season for many reasons.

Duration: The rainy season is the second season of the year. It comes after the Asher and Sraban are in the rainy season. Infact rain sets in our country in the middle of June and lasts up to the middle of September.

Reason of my liking : People welcome the rainy season heartily. The season brings heavy rainfall. The sky becomes cloudy sometimes we do not see the sun for days together. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs. Canals and tanks are filled with rain water.

Features : The season cools and refreshes all. A journey by boat is very interesting in this season. The roads become muddy and slippery. The rain washes our dirt. It makes our country ever green. It is also a season of fruits. Mango, black-berry, jack fruit lichies have buds on them.

Usefulness : The rainy season is very useful to us. Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Our agriculture depends on this season. Green leaves grow in trees. The cultivation of our country makes the paddy fields ready. Jute plants grow rapidly.

Conclusion : The rainy season is the most important and useful season in our country.  It is the best of all the season in Bangladesh. We always welcome this season and enjoy its beauty. 

Student life

  Or, Duties of a student

Introduction : The period which we spend in school, colleges and universities to receive education is called the student life. It is the most important part of our life. Our whole future depends on it.

Importance : Student life is the most important time in life. The main duty of a student is to study. He should attend the classes regularly. He should be careful in preparing his lessons. It is called the seed time of life. If he works hard in this time, he can be successful.

Primary duty : The primary duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. He should go to school and listen to the teachers. He must be dutiful and hard working. He must keep good company.

Most pleasant period of life : Student life is the best part of a man's life. In this period he is free and has not much worldly worry. Usually he has not to earn money for his living. So it is the most pleasant period of life.

Role in social service : During the holidays he can go to the villages and make people aware of the importance of education. He can set up night schools in his localities.

Seed time of life : A man gathers knowledge, forms, his character  and prepares himself for the future in his student life. It is, therefore, called the seed time of life. As he sows, so will he reap. If he uses his time well, he may be lucky and happy.

Conclusion : Student life is the time for preparation. So he should make proper use of time during his student life. He must learn the discipline. He will never be idle.

Digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh means it will be e-state, all of its activities- like governance, commerce, education, agriculture etc. Will be powered by computer and internet.

Today the entire world is gradually becoming a digital planet. Almost every state is heading towards a knowledge- based society and Bangladesh. With the landslide victory of AL in the recent general election of December 29, 2008, the making of an ICT driven society in Bangladesh- is now a real possibility.

The AL assured to build a ‘Digital Bangladesh’ where people will get a developed life, corruption, misrule- free society, and face the challenges of the 21st century.

A very first step for ‘Digital Bangladesh’ would be to spread the ICT education throughout the country. Every primary and secondary student should have access to the computer and computer based education. Bangladesh as a country with 150 million people has huge potential, despite having many problems. It is very important to create skilled manpower educated in science and technology.

The people of the country face this discrimination only because of economic solvency. The adoption of ICT can bring corruption free, citizen-centric and forward looking like governance in the country.

It is the expectation of the mass people that government will take all possible steps to create a SMART [simple, measurable, accountable, responsive and transparent]  ‘Digital Bangladesh’ and establish a knowledge- based society within 50Years of her independence in 2021.If the leaders of our country objectively guide this generation, they can do wonder for the nation.


Or, Discipline and its Importance

Introduction : Man is a social being. Discipline means obedience to certain rules and regulations. Discipline aims at maintaining social integration, accommodation, harmony order and the like. In the society we cannot do whatever we like. We have to maintain rules and regulations.

Value of discipline : The value of discipline is indescribable in our life. It helps men to live in society with peace and happiness. Without discipline nothing can be improved in a country. Nature shows a glaring example of discipline. The earth, the moon, the stars and all the planets move around the sun following discipline strictly.

Necessity of discipline : Discipline is very necessary in every step of our life. Discipline is essential in student life. A student must attend school punctually and obey the rules of the school. He must carry out the orders of the teachers. Discipline is necessary in games and sports. If the players in the play ground do not obey the rules of the game and the orders of the captain they are sure to lose the game. Discipline is seen in nature. Every morning the sun rises in the east, day follows night, birds sing and the plants blossom. Everywhere in nature there is a harmony. If there were no discipline in nature, there would have been a chaos everywhere. Discipline is necessary for a state, nay for a whole nation for its prosperity and development. 

Conclusion : Discipline is the best way of success. We cannot lead a peaceful life without a discipline. So all of us should be the performer of discipline from the very beginning of life. 

A village fair

Introduction : A village fair is a special attraction to the village people. Villagers specially, the children eagerly wait for it. Goods of different kinds and tastes are brought here for show and sale.

Occasion : A village fair is held on some occasion. It is generally held on the Bengali New Year’s Day. In some villages it is held on the last day of ‘Chaitra’. A village fair generally lasts for a day or days together. It is generally held in an open place in the middle part of the village.

Things sold and bought in a village fair : Potters, weavers, carpenters and many other small traders come to the fair to sell their products. Besides these toys, fancy goods and sweet-meats are sold in a fair. Children with their guardian flock around these shop and buy things according to their choice. 

Demerits : The Village fair has demerits too. Village fair has no proper sanitation. It is a noisy place. The pick-pockters and the gambling parties are found in a village fair.

Amusement : There are various kinds of amusement in a village fair. There are Nager Dolas, Cinemas, Jatra parties, circus parties, magic shows, jarigan,  etc are arranged in the fair. Among them Nager Dolas have a special charm for the children.

Conclusion : A village fair is a great source of enjoyment. It helps the growth of cottage industries. It is a cultural expression of our rural society. It has special influences on the life of the village people. A village fair is a recreation to the village people. 

Tree plantation

Introduction : The world famous poet Rabindranath Tagore said, ‘Give back the forest, take away town.’ By these lines the poet wanted to inform us about the importance of trees. Trees are the best friend and very useful to us. So we should plant more trees.

Usefulness : They help us many ways. They give us food, medicine, timber, shelter and shad. They also give us oxygen and prevent natural calamities. The tree presents us flowers, the most beautiful things on earth. There are various fruit trees all over the country. Trees make the earth beautiful.

Proper time for tree-planning : June and July are the best time for tree-plantation. Tree plantation programme should be expanded to the remote corner of the country. Tree should be planted by every people in his home. Shady and fruits trees should planted by the sides of the rivers, ponds and roads in the school and college. 

Vanish by many ways : The less of trees means the loss of life. It leads to less rains and fall of harvest. As a result, people die of starvation. The people of our country cut down trees regularly. They use wood as fuel. It is high time we planted trees to preserve our environment.

Conclusion : Trees are part and percale of our life. So, it is our duty to plant trees and care of them. We should work hand to hand to remove cut down trees. So we should also need to create public awareness about the importance of trees and we should plant more trees. Trees are also a role model in our life.


Globalization has become a buzzword in the new era of international politics and relations. In fact, globalization is a concept inherent in the New World after the end of the World War II by the big and powerful nations. Globalization is related to free market economy which means free movement of goods, services, people and information across the national borders. Globalization generally means the free movement of goods, services, people and information across the national border.

The idea of globalization is not new. Globalization is now on a strong foundation. In the present world globalization has been introduced with a view to extending borderless market. It creates an integrated global economy which influences both economical and social relations among the countries of the world.

Because of globalization a country can be benefited in many ways including free market, trade, commerce, culture, employment opportunities and so many. Mainly the developed countries are highly benefited globalization. The globalization process in south Asia was introduced to increase economic growth, but it is a matter of sorrow that the capitalist countries are becoming richer day by day and the poor countries are becoming poorer. In this context Bangladesh is affected seriously.

However globalization can be fruitful only then when there will remain balance regarding positive activities of the countries. Globalization has both prospects and pitfalls.

If the nations of the world can create an atmosphere of co-operation, peace and solidarity, every nation can be benefited from the process of globalization. They can fight together global problems like poverty, illiteracy, aids, war and conflicts, terrorism and also work together in solving the problems of over-population, hunger and environmental pollution or global warming. The globe then would be better place for everybody.


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