পরম করূনাময় আল্লাহ্র নামে শুরু
Air is an important element in our environment. Clean air is essential for life but polluted air is very harmful. Air can be polluted in many ways. One thing that pollutes air is smoke. People also make more smoke by burning wood, bricks, refuse, materials and melting pitch for road construction. In big cities buses, trucks and cars always ply in the streets. They burn petrol and diesel and pollute air by emitting smoke. Serious air- pollution occurs in industrial towns. Mills and factories burn coal, oil and chemicals and emit huge smoke. All kinds of smoke mixes with air and pollutes it. The rotten dead bodies of the animals also pollute air. We become sick by inhaling polluted air. So for healthier and happier life we should try to prevent air pollution.
The name of our country is Bangladesh. We live in Bangladesh. It became independent in 1971. Dhaka is its capital. Bangladesh is a small country. Its land area is 1, 47,570 square kilometers. But it has a big population. About 140 million people live here. Bangladesh is mainly agricultural country. Its main crops are rice, jute, sugar-cane and tea. Many kinds of fruits also grow here. Jack-fruits, mangoes, bananas pine-apples guavas and water-melons are the most common. There are many big rivers in our country. The Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna and the Karnaphuli. We have many interesting place. Many people visit these places every year. Bangladesh is a peaceful country. We love my country very much. We are proud of my country.
The state of being unable to read and write is known as illiteracy. There are many problems in our country. Illiteracy is a great problem and curse for our country. We know that, Education is the back bone of a nation. No nation can prosper without education. So it is essential to move against illiteracy in order to develop our country. Illiteracy is the root of all backwardness of our country. It is a matter of great regret that only one of our total populations is literate. Of course there are many people who can write their names. They are not considered as educated. Where there is a will, there is a way-is a proverb. It is not impossible to remove illiteracy. We should work hand to hand to remove illiteracy. We should also need to create public awareness. Then all of our people will gradually be literate.
Globalization generally means the free movement of goods, services, people and information across the national border. The idea of globalization is not new. In the present world globalization has been introduced with a view to extending borderless market. It creats an integrated global economy which influences both economical and social relations among the countries of the world. Because of globalization a country can be benefited in many ways including free market, trade, commerce, culture, employment opportunities and so many.Mainly the developed countries are highly benefited globalization. The globalization process in south Asia was introduced to increase economic growth, But it is a matter of sorrow that the capitalist countries are becoming richer day by day and the poor countries are becoming poorer. In this context Bangladesh is affected seriously. However globalization can be fruitfull only then when there will remain balance regarding positive activities of the countries.
Every nation has a culture of its own. We have our own language, dress, food habit, manner of eating and manner of speaking, mode of behavour, games and sports, social values and customs, religion, profession, music, art, literature etc. Which are paret and parcel of our culture. Though we have rich culture of our own, we are going to lose some of our culture. Today we do not like folk songs, Zari, Sari, Bhatiali etc. Today we are fond of band music, Hindi and English songs and music. We notice great change in our dress. Most of the educated people wear western dress such as pant, shirt, tie, suit, biazer, T-shirt etc. In marital system we also notice change. Now our culture is the fusion of Indian and western culture. It is true that at the age of globalization it is impossible to stop it totally but we can accept the good ones and avoid the bad ones.
Necessity of sports
Now-a day’s environment pollution is one of the most talked of topics of the world. Our environment is polluted in two ways- air pollution and water pollution. Air can be polluted in many ways. One thing that pollutes air is smoke. People also make more smoke by burning wood, bricks, refuse materials and melting pitch for broad construction. In big cities buses, trucks and cars always ply in the street. They burn petrol and diesel and pollute air by emitting smoke. Serious air pollution occurs industrial towns. Mills and factories burn coal, oil and chemicals and emit huge smoke. Water is polluted in many ways. There are chemicals fertilizers, humane waste by dumping oil. Rubbish, poisoning causes chemicals etc. So we should protect air and water pollution to live a healthy life.
Mobile phone
Tree plantation
The world famous poet Rabindranath Tagore said, ‘Give back the forest, take away town.’ By these lines the poet wanted to informed us about the importance of trees. Trees are the best friend and very useful to us. They help us many ways. They give us food, medicine, timber, shelter and shad. They also give us oxygen and prevent natural calamities. The tree presents us flowers, the most beautiful things on earth. There are various fruit trees all over the country. Trees make the earth beautiful. The less of trees means the loss of life. It leads to less rains and fall of harvest. As a result, people die of starvation. We should work hand to hand to remove cut down trees. So we should also need to create public awareness about the importance of trees and we should plant more trees.
Human mind has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He always wants to know the unknown, to see the unseen and to explore the unexplored. A library is the place which can help a man to satisfy his knowledge. A college library is a part and parcel of an educational institution. Our college has a big library. It is situated in a different building there are three big rooms in it. The two rooms are reading rooms. Boys and girls have different rooms. In the other room books are arranged in almirahs. There are about 5,000 books in our college library. They include many reference books on different our subjects.Student and teachers come to the library to study when they have no class. Our college library is a great attraction for us. We are really proud of our college library.
Load shedding
Electricity is the driving force of modern civilization. But now a days, people living in the areas supplied with electricity are quite familiar with the term load shedding. Now-a-days load shedding is a affair in the cities and towns. It means the suspension of electricity for the time being. Load shedding occurs mainly in the big cities and in the industrial areas. It occurs two or three times a day. The causes of load shedding are many. There is shortage of power supply in proportion to our need. With the increase of population the number of homes and building increased. But the supply of power has not increased. As a result load shedding occurs frequently. Especially the students, patient in the hospital and businessmen are the worst suffers. In short people experience, great difficulties due to load shedding.
True education is a must for any kind of development of a nation. But it is a matter of great regret that some students of our country adopt unfairmeans in the examination. It is an offence. I do not support unfairmeans in the examination because it degrades the standard of education. If the students of a country do not acquire true education, there will be no development for the country. An examinee should read seriously so that he can cut a good figure in the examination. To acquire true education should be the only aim in life of all the students. An educated man can not support unfairmeans in the examination at all. For taking all these measures, unfairmeans in the exam halls have reduced much.
Good health refers to a sound body and a sound mind of a man. According to the proverb we find that “Health is the root of all happiness” among all wealth health is the greatest. One can keep good health by observing the rules of health, eating a balanced diet and living a disciplined life. Early rising, physical exercises balanced diet and a good sleep are essential for keeping a good health. But it is a matter of sorrow that most people of our country do not get the food they need for good health. They seem to have no sense of health and sanitation. So, they are vistim of ill-health. An unhealthy man can not eat what he likes. He can not have sound sleep at night. So we should try to keep good health for our own benefit.
Many people think that cigarette smoking is glamorous. But there is nothing good with cigarette smoking. It is one of the dangerous habits. But it is a matter of sorrow that inspite of knowing this truth more than 80% people of our country are in the habit of smoking. It is the root cause of many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart attack and many other diseases. Nicotine is one of them. Its another name is poison.Smoking is harmful not only for the smoker but also for the non-smoker. But people are not addicted to it suddenly. It becomes a habit gradually. Evil companions influence a youth to smoke. In villages the young boys are becoming addicted to smoking from their father, uncles or elder brothers. People should be made conscious of the harmful effects of smoking.
Anything that is excessive is not good and if that is drug then there is no question regarding it. Drug addication is now a global problem. This social cancer has spread its harmful claws through out the world. There may have many causes behind drug addication. Frustration is the root cause of it. Beside it unemployment problem, political crisis, lack of family ties, lack of love and affection are responsible for drug addicted. It has a dangerous effect on human body. It may damage the brain and all internal function of the body. In our country thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas are directly or indirectly affected by it. It creats various kind of social crimes. In order to arrange money the addicted person engage in committing crimes like hijacking, looting, killing etc. When we will be able to creat awarness among the young generation of our country, we will get a society free from drug addication.
Acid throwing is one of the most heinous activities in our country. Now a days it is going to be out of control. Almost every day we find the news of acid throwing in all the newspaper of our country. In our male led society it is seen that women and children are the worst victims of acid throwing. This incident takes place due to reasons. One is family enmity and another one is the rejection of love. If two families fall into enmity on different issues, often one of them through acid on the women and children of the opponent side. Again, if any youth is rejected in his love by the girl he loves, he also may throw acid on the girl. The effect of acid throwing is dangerous. Our government should take punctive action against the acid throwers.Mass media can play a vital role in this respect by publishing regular features and broadcasting various programmes.
A stormy night in Bangladesh is fearful because it destroys many things within a few hours. It comes usually in the summer season. It may visit in other season too. However it does not come all on a sudden like the Kalbaishaki or Cyclone. It shows it’s coming from four or five hours earlier. In a stormy night the wind blows violently and it rains continuously. The whole sky is overcast with clouds. There is terrible sound all around. Generally the storm lasts for two or three hours. Many houses are blown away and many people become homeless and helpless. Sometimes human lives are lost in a stormy night. After all, a stormy night is accused as a night of fear and destruction.
A book fair
A book fair is considered to be an occasion of great festivity to the book lovers. It plays an important role in spreading culture, education and knowledge. Now- a days a book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest for books amongst the general mass. In a book fair hundreds of pavilions are set up. All sorts of books-fictions, text books dramas, children books reference books etc are displayed. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair becomes crowdie especially in the evening’. Both male and female customers gather a book fair. Seminars and cultural programs are also held. A book fair has much educative value.
How to make a garden
My younger brother Shomrat reads in class VI. He does not know how to make a garden. First a small piece of land is chosen. The land is loosening with spade and clean. Then the soil is mannered well and kept is exposed. The soil is given small particle form and is leveled by a leveler. Next the garden is fenced so well. So that cows, goats, hens and even the wicked children cannot do any harm to it. Thus the gardening is completed. After that the garden is weeded out and the plants are taken care of. Finally the garden is also watered frequently. The flower fills the gardener’s heart with joy.
Becoming a good student needs regular students. Read you must need to prepare very well for the exam. You should not neglect your studies at the beginning of the Madrasah term. Then you should understand what you read. Next you should make your own notes yourself and revise them frequently. After that you should have fairly good command over the language. Finally you should enrich your knowledge. You should read all the books through out the year.
Accident is an irony fate. Once an accident occurred in front of me near my school gate. I had a friend named sumon. He was in class nine. He used to go to school return home alone. One day he was returning from school. He had to cross a busy road. A bus was coming at full spread. He thought that he would be able to cross the road. But failed. The bus runs over sumon and he died on the spot. The road became red with blood. Our classmates and I was also very much shocked. I could not forget the seen.
A street beggar is a person who begs alms in the street. A beggar is seen everywhere in Bangladesh. He is generally seen in the market place or by the side of the busy road. Varieties types of beggars are found begging. Some are blind, some are deaf, and some are lame. Again some beggars are old or young. They utter painful words so that the passers- by are attracted to them. Some beggars sing song, some recite the verses of the holy Quran. Some people give him few coins or a one taka note or two. It is true to say that begging is disreputable. It does not give anything to society. Begging should be stopped. But at the same time the Government should do something for them.
Early rising
Early rising means the habit of getting up early in the morning. An English proverb says, ``Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’’ The wisdom of this saying is obvious. First the habit is good for health. The morning air refreshes both his body and mind. Secondly, the habit gives him an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature. Enjoyment of the natural beauties sharpens his feelings and sense of beauty. This makes him wise. So the habit of early rising is the source of health, wealth and wisdom. A late riser starts his work late and does not have enough time to finish it.
A bus stand is a place where service buses stop and start form. After a fixed time a good number of up and down buses touch at a bus stand at different hours of the day and night. It is a temporary shelter for passengers. Passenger’s wait for some time to get on a bus and stand in a line for buying tickets. A bus stand is a busy place. One bus comes and the other bus starts for. A bus tend is always noisy. There are road sides, tea stalls. Small shop, hawkers, selling betel leaf and cigarette at a bus stand. Magazine and seasonal fruit are sold here. It is a useful place indeed.
A historical place bears the testimony of history. On January 20-04-11, I paid a visit to Sonargoan with my parents. It is a place of historical interest. Once it was capital of Bangladesh for along time. It was ruled by the Muslim rulers. So it has a glorious past with many relics of the then sultans. The sight and scenery are very charming and enjoyable. We visited the palace and a museum of the Sonargoan. We also enjoyed many high raise building there. It improves my out look. If also gave me a lot of joy. I will never forget this visit.
A winter morning
There are six season in Bangladesh. Winter is one of them. A winter morning is misty and cold. Cold wind blows. It is generally foggy. There is dense fog everywhere. So it is difficult to go out in the morning. A winter morning has its love lines also. The green sky and the could less weather makes the morning fine looking. The leaves and the grasses are covered with dew. It sparkles morning sunshine. The ray of the Sun gives sweet warmth to the body. In all respects a winter morning is Good and enjoyable.
A moonlit night is a very special and attractive night- which gift of Allah. It is really charming and enjoyable. It presents a beautiful sight. It dazzles our eyes and shoots our heart. In a moonlit night the moon looks like a disk of silver people of all ages enjoy a moonlit night. Young boys play little boys and girl’s makes merriments and amuse themselves. A moonlit night is really enjoyable to a newly married couple. Poets of all language have sung highly of a moonlit night. A moonlit night is pleasant and fine indeed.
A farmer
The ceremony of our country depends on agriculture. Most of the people of our country are a farmer. He is a healthy, strong and stout. A farmer lives in a village. He gets up early in the morning and goes out in search of work. In the evening he gets his wages. Then he goes to market, buys his daily necessaries and returns to his house. He has both pleasures and pains. Most of the farmers in our country have no enough land. So a farmer is generally poor. He lives from hand to mouth. A farmer is the back bone of our nation. So it is our duty to look after the farmer.
A village fair
A village fair is a public gathering. It is usually held on occasion of New Year’s Day or religious festival. It lasts for a day or two. It is generally held by the side of a river or an important road. It is a kind of exhibition of local goods. Here fancy things are displayed for sale. Dolls, earthen wares, toys, flutes, balloons, basket and many other things are sold here. A village fair has a lot of attractions. It is a part of our culture. Both children and elderly people enjoy it most. It hurt me much.
A rainy day
The village doctor
The village doctor is a favorite’s person among the village people. The villagers look upon him as their friend. A village doctor has his own dispensary. He gets up in the morning. He then attends his patient there. Then he goes out to see his patient in the village. He treats his patients with love and affection and takes great care of them. This is a great relief to village patients. As such he is a useful member of the society and does great service to the village folk.
A national flag is the symbol of our nation. Our national flag is rectangular is shape. Its size is at the ratio of 10; 6. The ground of the flag is bottle- green in colour. A sun globe is in the middle of it. The radius of the sun globe is one-fifth of the length of the flag. The bottle-green colour stands for the ever lasting freshness, youth, vigor and vitality of our nation. The sun globe signifies continuous and ever lasting life of our nation. It is the pride of our country.
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