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Some Most Important Application I Give U Powered by Kabir

1.Write an application to the principal praying for leave of absence.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for leave of absence.

Dear Sir,

I beg to state that I am a student of class XI in your college. I could not attend school from 11-08-2011 to 13-08-2011 on account of my fever. A medical certificate is attached herewith for your kind consideration.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant me leave of absence for those days only and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,


Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

2.Write an application to the Principal praying for leave in advance.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for leave in advance.

Dear Sir,

I beg to state that I am a student of class XI in your college. The marriage ceremony of my elder sister will be held on the 21st instant. So if would be unable on my part to attend college from 15-08-2011 to 17-06-2011.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant me leave in advance for those days only and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,

Md. Nadim

Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

3.Write an application to the Principal praying for a seat in the college hostel.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for seat in the college hostel.

Dear Sir,

I beg to state that I am a student of class XI in your college. My father is a government service holder. Recently he has been transferred from here to Khulna. But I want to study in your college. So I need a seat in your college hostel.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly allot me a seat in your college hostel to continue my studies further and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,


Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

4.Write an application to the Principal praying for early leave.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for early leave.

Dear Sir,

I beg to state that I am a student of class XI in your college. I feel feverish. So I am unable to stay in the class any longer.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant me leave after the 2nd period and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,


Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

5.Write an application to the Principal praying for a common room in your college.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for a common room in our college.

Dear Sir,

With due to respect we beg to state that we have been suffering greatly for want of a common room in our college. We spend our leisure and off- period by gossiping. We shall be benefited if we have a common room with sufficient magazines, indoor games and daily newspaper.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant our prayer to set up a common room in our college campus to remove our suffering and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,


Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

6.Write an application to the principal praying for morning school.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for early leave.

Dear Sir,

We, the student of your college beg most respectfully to state that it is the month of April. It is very hot. There are many students in our college. We have to stay in our college from 10.30 A.M to 4.20 P.M.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you will kindly start our college in the morning.

We remain,


Yours obediently

The student of your College.




7.Write an application to the Principal praying for organizing a literary club.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for opening a literary club.

Dear Sir,

We, the student of your college beg most respectfully to state that there is no literary clubs in our college. There are many students in our college. They are very interested in it. We shall organize seminars, debates and many other cultural activities. We shall also publish the school magazines.

We, therefore, requested you to kindly consider our prayer to organize a literary clubs in our college and nominate a teacher as our guide and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently

The students of  ............College. 

8.Write an application to the Principal praying for a half holiday to enjoy a friendly football match.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for opening a half holiday.

Dear Sir,

With due to respect we beg to state that a friendly football match will be played today at 3.00 P.M. on our college play ground. It will be played between our college team and ‘Y’ college team. We wish to enjoy the game.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant us a half holiday to enjoy the game and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently

The students of  ............College. 

9.Write an application to the Principal praying for remission of delay fine.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for remission of delay fine.

Dear Sir,

I beg to state that I am a student of class XI in your college. I could not pay my school fees for the months of May and June in time as my father was away from home for his official work.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly remit the delay fine and take the regular fees only and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,

Md. Nadim

Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

10.Write an application to the Principal praying for admission in a college.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for admission.

Dear Sir,

I beg most respectfully to state that I was a student of class XI of.............college in Mymensingh. My father is a government service holder. I lived in Mymensingh with my father. But now he has been transferred from Mymensingh to Khulna. So I want to get myself admitted into your college in class XI.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly admit me in class XI your college and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,

Md. Nadim

Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

11.Write an application to the principal praying for a full free studentship.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for a full free- studentship.

Dear Sir,

I beg most respectfully to state that I am a poor student of class XI in your college. My father is a poor farmer. He cannot pay my college fees. I come to school regularly. I stood first in the First Terminal Examination.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant me a full free- studentship.

I remain,


Your most obedient pupil

Md. Nadim

Class- XI

12.Write an application to the principal praying for setting up a canteen.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for a set up a canteen.

Dear Sir,

We inform you that there is no canteen to take Tiffin in the campus. We have to stay at College from 8:30 to 12:00 P.M. and so we take Tiffin outside the college. It is impossible for every time. So we must have a canteen in the College campus.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to consider our proposal to set up a canteen in our College campus to remove our suffering and oblige thereby.

We remain,


Yours obediently

The student of your College.

13.Write an application to the principal praying for a transfer certificate.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for transfer certificate.

Dear Sir,

I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class XI in your college. My father has been recently transferred to Khulna. My family will also shift there. So I need a transfer certificate.

I would request you to issue me a transfer certificate.

I remain,


Your most obedient pupil

Md. Nadim

Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

14.Write an application to the principal praying for a Common room/ Reading room.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for opening a common room.

Dear Sir,

We, the student of your college beg most respectfully to state that we have no common room in the College. Sometimes we need to take rest and to play indoor games. So we have to have a common room.

We would request you to kindly provide a common room.

We remain,


Yours obediently

The student of your College.

15.Write an application to the principal praying for permission of arranging a study tour.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for permission of arranging a study tour.

Dear Sir,

We, the students of class IX in your college, want to make a study tour to Cox’s Bazaar. Study tour is not only interesting but also instructive. It widens our knowledge. This study tour will cost about Taka. 6000.00. We are ready to contribute half of the total expenditure.

We would request you to kindly permit us to make the tour and sanction Taka. 3000.00 only and oblige thereby.

We remain,


Yours obediently

The student of your College.

16.Write an application to the principal praying for a Testimonial/ Character certificate.


The Principal,


Subject: Prayer for Testimonial/ Character certificate.

Dear Sir,

I beg most respectfully to state that I had been a student of your college for the last five years. I passed the H.S.C. examination from your college in 2011 in science group bearing Roll Mymensingh No. 925. I was placed in the first division. Now I wish to get myself admitted into a college. So I need a testimonial/ character certificate from you.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial/ character certificate.

Yours obediently,


Class- XI

Roll: 3158.

17.Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for sinking of a few tube-wells in your village.


The Chairman,

Sadar upazila parishad.


Subject: Prayer for sinking a tube-well.

Dear Sir,

We, the inhabitants of Digharkanda, would like to draw your kind attention to the acute scarcity of drinking water in our village. It is a matter of great regret that there is no tube-well in our village. So our women have to fetch drinking water from a mile away. Very often, we have to drink dirty water of the nearby ponds and canals. As a result, many men suffer from cholera, dysentry typhoid etc and die a premature death every year. So we are badly in need of a tube-well in our village.

We fervently pray and hope that you would be kind enough to sanction a tube-well in our village and thereby save many precious lives.

Yours faithfully


On behalf of the inhabitants of Digharkanda.

18.Write an application to the principal praying for a debating club.


The Principal,



Subject: Prayer for establishment of debating club.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that there is no debating club in our College. But we feel the need of a debating club. Because debating develops one’s ability to acquire knowledge and skills of speaking. It also helps one to prepare for the future leadership.

We, therefore, requested you to kindly consider our prayer to establish a debating clubs in our college and nominate a teacher as a guide and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently

The students of  ............College. 



19.Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for repairing a bridge/ road in your village.


The Chairman,

Sadar upazilla parishad.


Subject: Prayer for repairing a bridge/ road.

Dear Sir,

I on behalf of the people of ‘X’ village under ‘Y’ Union, beg most respectfully to state that the only road of bridge/ road of our village have been seriously damaged by flood and rain water. It has not been repaired for a long time. As a result, all kinds of people especially the students have to suffer terribly. So it is very necessary to repair the road/bridge immediately.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to repair the bridge/ road immediately and oblige thereby.

Yours faithfully


On behalf of the inhabitants of Digharkanda.

20.Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner for relief goods for the flood affected people in your locality.


The Deputy Commissioner


Subject: Prayer for relief goods for the flood affected people.

Dear Sir,

We, the people of ‘X’ village under ‘Y’ Union, beg most respectfully to state our locality has become a flood affected area. The recent flood has washed away our cattle and food grains. Thousand of people have become homeless and helpless. They have taken shelter on the high road, schools and colleges.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kindly visit the spot and grant the relief goods for the flood affected people and oblige thereby.


Yours faithfully


On behalf of the inhabitants of Digharkanda.


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